Project News
News Release February 3, 2022
BC Government provides the public with more information on Woodgrove Senior Citizens Housing Society's current and long-term projects.
Building project progress
Our new building has been a long time coming and we are so excited as we watch it grow and develop into new homes for our seniors and other tenanats.
We are going to track our project here for you with some of the highlights, so that you can better appreciate all the work and progress that is and has gone into it. Your Board of Directors have been working hard on your behalf for a long time.
Every project has a beginning and an end date and sometimes as in construction that timeline can extend over many years.
Our Board of Directors recognized that we needed expert experienced help in getting our project idea off the ground, so with the hire and help of Mr. Mats Bergman, Project Manager, we all worked collaboratively preparing our submission to BC Housing.